Model Training

You own every model you make, always.

Securely train custom models on your own content. In as little as 30 minutes using as few as a dozen images, create your own models that power creative workflows and maintain consistency from asset to asset.
Secure dataset creation
Easily compile and manage your images for training in one, secure place. When you’re ready to refine your model or train another model, it’s simple to re-use your training data and make adjustments.
Intuitive training interface
Navigate the complexities of AI with a user-friendly training interface that guides you through every step of the process. Finetune every step of the model creation process with clear guidance on how to generate a useful model.
Own your data and models
Every model you create with Invoke and every asset you upload remains exclusively yours. Invoke never uses your training assets to train someone else’s model, and you maintain ownership of your model files in perpetuity.
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The Invoke canvas.
Auto-Caption Your Datasets
Automatically generate captions for your dataset images, then fine-tune them as needed, and append custom trigger words to your dataset to ensure distinct, new concepts are understood by your model.
The Invoke canvas.
Flexible Model Architecture
Own your AI models as permanent assets, not a SaaS product where ongoing fees dictate access. We train models using openly licensed frameworks like SDXL and LoRA, allowing you to use your models both in and out of Invoke.
The Invoke canvas.
Model Training Validation
Test multiple model versions with ease, ensuring you select the most effective iteration. Our validation tool provides you with a selection of model outputs so that you can choose which version performs the way you need.
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How much does model training cost?
Can Invoke’s team help me train a model?
How many images do I need to train a model?
How long does it take to train a model?
Can I use my own models with Invoke?
How does Invoke keep my model secure?
Can I train a model using a proprietary model architecture?
Can I use the models I train in Invoke in other applications?
Does Invoke use my data to train its AI models?
Start Free
Invoke Indie comes fully loaded with all the features you need to get started generating production-ready assets and workflows. Sign up for a free trial and start exploring everything that Invoke has to offer.
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Talk to Us
Contact us to discuss options for Enterprise licenses, which can include custom model and workflow development, single tenant hosting, and added security & compliance features like SSO, as well as volume discounts for users.
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