Enhance images with precision and ease

Transform low-resolution images into high-quality assets. Refine, upscale, and enhance your visuals with powerful AI-driven tools, all within a user-friendly interface.
Increase resolution and details
Turn low-res images into crisp, clear visuals. Our upscaling workflows maintain or enhance details, ensuring your upscaled images look professional and polished.
Enhance & refine your images
Enhance more than just resolution. Fine-tune textures, sharpen edges, and adjust specific areas with precision. Invoke adapts to various image types, giving you control to achieve the exact look you want.
Automate image refinement
Save time with our intuitive upscaling and image refinement UI. Queue multiple upscale and refinement tasks, apply custom settings, and preview results in real-time. Upscale and enhance your visuals quickly and easily.
Multiple upscaling models
Choose from a variety of open source upscaling models, each optimized for different image types and styles. Select the best model for your specific needs, whether you're working with portraits, landscapes, or digital art.
Artistic Style Transfer
Apply artistic styles during the upscaling process. Use custom models to apply styles to each tile in the upscaling process, combining new visual styles while increasing resolution.
Queue management
Process multiple upscaling tasks sequentially. Queue up a series of images, and Invoke will manage the tasks even if you close the application. Tasks can also be easily cancelled once started.
Flexible scaling
Choose your ideal scale ratio without preset limits. Want to go beyond standard 2x or 4x? You can. While larger scales increase processing time, you're free to push boundaries based on your project needs and timeline.
Detail preservation
Maintain fine details and textures at higher resolutions. Our advanced upscaling workflows ensure that intricate elements remain crisp and clear, even as image size increases.
Custom and shareable presets
Adjust and fine-tune our default upscaling workflow to your liking. Save optimized settings as custom workflows and easily share them with your team, ensuring consistent results across all your projects.
Start Free
Invoke Indie comes fully loaded with all the features you need to get started generating production-ready assets and workflows. Sign up for a free trial and start exploring everything that Invoke has to offer.
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Talk to Us
Contact us to discuss options for Enterprise licenses, which can include custom model and workflow development, single tenant hosting, and added security & compliance features like SSO, as well as volume discounts for users.
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